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Environmental impact
of the offshore oil and gas industry

Author: Stanislav Patin, Ph.D. * Translator: Elena Cascio, Ph.D.
ISBN 0-9671836-0-X * Hardcover * 425+xi pages * 6x9
Publication Date: December 1999 * LCCN 99-73791
List price: $199.00 (US funds)
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BOOK INDEX (continued): PAGE 4 (J K L M N O)


Japan, Sea of, 12-17, 90-91, 150, 164, 227, 230


Kara Sea, oil and gas, 17,18


Laptev Sea, 17

Leningradskoe field (Kara Sea), 18

Long-term environmental effects, 335-342


Mapping of shelf, 102 see also Ecofisheries mapping

Marine aquaculture, effects of oil spills on, 332, 347

Marine pollution see Pollution; Oil spills

Mesocosms, 188, 256

Methane, MPC of, 246 see also Gas, natural

Methanol, 92, 243

MPC of, 243

Mexico, Gulf of, 14, 18, 64, 128

gas hydrates accumulations in, 12
gas levels in water from, 225, 227, 229, 245
gas seepage in, 220, 245
IXTOC-1 incident, 87, 330
number of spills in, 86, 87
oil aggregates/tar balls in, 153, 334
oil levels in organisms from, 162
platforms in,

number of, 15
secondary use of, 100

produced waters from, 78, 129, 280, 283, 310
reef effect, 101-102, 103
removing of drilling waste in, 72
restructuring of microbial communities, 311

Microbial degradation of oil, 126, 139-141, 290. 334, 338

see also Self-purification

Microbial methane formation, 215-220

Models, 88-89, 106, 134

Monitoring, 47, 102, 105, 126, 151, 154, 158, 159, 189, 232, 307, 314, 319, 324, 327

ecological, 379-390
general approaches to, 379-382
methods of, 382-390
stages of, 381

MPC (Maximum Permissible Concentration), 81, 151, 188, 192, 243, 245, 246, 261, 264-274, 372-373, 377, 383, 403-413

MPD (Maximum Permissible Discharge), 275, 373



effects on organisms of, 172, 175, 179, 180, 182, 321
toxicity of, 186, 187
levels in

produced waters, 78-79
seawater near developments, 308-309
sediments, 315-316
threshold, 321

structure and properties of, 122, 125
see also PAHs

Natural gas see Gas, natural

Neuston (air-water interface) organisms, 46, 338-339

Nonindigenous organisms, 38, 58, 305-306

North Sea

accidents/oil spills in, 86, 87, 92-94, 330
atmospheric emissions in, 85, 223
discharges in, 73, 82
drilling cuttings from, 72
effects of gas on benthos, 237
effects of oil pollution, 321-324, 326, 341
fish catch and number of platforms in, 101
gas seepage in, 220
microbial degradation of oil in, 140
monitoring in, 381, 385
oil and gas developments in, 8, 14, 15, 18, 54, 337, 342
oil degradation, 341
oil input to, 58-59, 127, 128
oil levels in

organisms, 160
sediments, 156
near developments, 315
water, 149, 245
near developments, 308

oil taint in, 348
PAHs levels in, 144
produced waters from, 70-71, 78, 282, 310
restructuring of microbial communities, 311-312
suspended materials from, 96


Odopinskoe oil and gas field (Sakhalin), 21

Oil and gas fields, offshore, 8

Oil and gas in the deep ocean basins, 12

Oil and gas offshore resources, potential

Russian, 1, 3, 17
worldwide, 7, 10

Oil and oil hydrocarbons

as a complex toxicant, 185-187
background levels of, 143-148, 190-193
behavior in sea of, 123, 133-143
in ice conditions, 136, 142
models to predict behavior of, 88-89
bioaccumulation of, 158-165, 262, 311, 346
biodegradation of, 139-141
biogenic production of, 126-127
biogeochemistry of, 119-195
biological effects of, 165-190
composition of, 120-127
distribution of

in seawater, 123, 133-138, 148-154
in sediments, 154-158

ecotoxicology of, 119-195
emulsification of, 123, 125, 138
environmental effects of, 329-335
hazard of, 36-38
input of, 58-59, 127-133
levels in

organisms, 146, 158-165
seawater, 43-44, 148-154, 190-193
near developments, 307-313
sediments, 146, 154-158, 190-193
near developments, 313-329

properties of, 120-127
sources of, 33, 127-133
threshold of, 170-190
toxicity of, 165-190
MPC of, 151, 377

Oil-based drilling fluids/muds, 71, 74-75, 256-263, 314, 327

see also Diesel-based drilling muds; Drilling fluids/muds

Oil-containing discharges see Cuttings discharges; Drilling discharges; Drilling muds discharges; Pipeline discharges; Produced waters discharges

Oil hydrocarbons see Oil and oil hydrocarbons

Oil pipelines see Pipelines

Oil pollution see Oil spills; Pollution

Oil products

hazard of, 36, 40-41, 125
in drilling discharges, 70-71
see also Oil and oil hydrocarbons

Oil spill-control agents see Spill-control agents

Oil spills, 329-335

acute effects of, 331
amounts spilt, 86-94
behavior at sea of, 123, 133-143
in ice conditions, 136, 142
blowouts, 88
causes of, 86-94
clean up, 90
dispersants used, see Dispersants
drilling accidents, 87-89
effect on fish, 331-332
environmental effects of, 86, 329-335
long-term effects of, 332
microbial degradation techniques used, 290
models to predict movement of, 88-89, 134
numbers reported, 85-88
recovering after, 332-334
self-purification see Self-purification
storage accidents, 92
see also Accidents; Pipeline spills; Tanker accidents

Okhotsk, Sea of, oil and gas, 10, 12, 17, 18, 19, 220, 225, 227, 230, 237

Orenburgskoe gas condensate field, 83, 213

Oxidation of oil, 123, 138-139







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Impact of Offshore Oil&Gas; Industry





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