www.lumcon.edu/library/eoogd - Effects of Offshore Oil and Gas Development, A Current Awareness Bibliography - a quarterly compilation of current publications (citations with abstracts) from a wide variety of electronic and print information sources relating to offshore oil and gas development.
www.oiltracers.com - descriptions of the
applications of geochemistry to a variety of oil exploration and production
problems and access to OilRef® - the largest reference database devoted to petroleum
geochemistry literature.
http://www.oilandgasforum.net - UNEP Offshore Oil and Gas Environment Forum, the online resource for information on offshore oil and gas exploration and production and the environment.
http://www.mms.gov/eppd/sciences/esp/profiles - Mineral Management Service (MMS) Ongoing Environmental Studies, including studies on environmental impact of the offshore oil and gas activity in different regions. Each listing describes the research being conducted, shows the institution performing the work, the cost of the effort, timeframe, and any associated publications, presentations, or affiliated web sites.
http://www.mms.gov/offshore - offshore oil development and environmental issues, MMS USA.
http://www.sierraclub.ca/national/oil-and-gas-exploration/sense-and-nonsense.pdf - "Sense and Nonsense - The Environmental Impacts of Exploration on Marine Organisms Offshore Cape Breton" by David Lincoln. SUBMISSION TO THE PUBLIC REVIEW COMMISSION, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, for the Sierra Club Canada, 2002 (PDF file)
http://www.cnsopb.ns.ca/Whatsnew/0802202_gully.pdf - Strategic Environmental Assessment
Potential Exploration Rights Issuance For
Eastern Sable Island Bank, Western Banquereau Bank,
the Gully Trough and the Eastern Scotian Slope
Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board
Halifax, N.S.
August 2002(PDF file)
http://ycn.library.ns.ca/georges/www/explorat.htm - Exploring for Offshore Oil and Gas (scroll down to the section "How can offshore oil and gas exploration affect the environment?")
http://www.environment.no/Topics/Water/oil_gas/env_impact_oil/env_impact_oil.stm - Environmental impact of oil and gas activities (by the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority)
http://www.marlab.ac.uk/InfoPDF/Impactofoil.pdf - Impact of the oil industry on the aquatic environment (by The FRS Marine Laboratory, UK) (PDF file)
http://www.uea.ac.uk/env/all/faculty/grant/cuttings.pdf - Drill cutting piles in the North Sea. Report. 1999. (PDF file)
http://www.api.org/ehs/gulf/LGL%20Report.htm - Environmental Trends in the Gulf of Mexico in the Twentieth Century: The Role of the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry. An analysis of over 200 separate studies of the Gulf of Mexico sponsored by federal, state, academic, and industry organizations. Available for download in PDF format.
http://www.api.org/ehs/gulf - Meeting the Environmental Challenge: Oil and Natural Gas Operations in the Gulf of Mexico. Brief discussions of nine key environmental issues that explore the role of the oil and natural gas industry in the environment of the Gulf of Mexico. Available for download in PDF format.
http://www.fe.doe.gov/oil_gas/environ_rpt/index.html - Environmental Benefits of Advanced Oil and Gas Technology A U.S. Department of Energy Report. Available for download in PDF format.
http://www.sfu.ca/cstudies/science/oilgas/index.htm - Exploring the future of offshore oil and gas development in BC: Lessons from the Atlantic. The conference proceedings are available as PDF files.
http://www.oilandgas.org.uk/issues/ukbenthos/docs/analysissurveys.pdf - An analysis of U.K Offshore
Oil & gas Environmental Surveys 1975-95. Available as a PDF file.
http://www.ceaa.gc.ca/0009/0001/0001/0010/0002/5.0_e.htm#5_3 - TERRA NOVA DEVELOPMENT: AN OFFSHORE PETROLEUM PROJECT. Report of the Terra Nova Development Project Environmental Assessment Panel, August 1997(5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE PROJECT). Full text of the report : http://www.ceaa.gc.ca/0009/0001/0001/0010/0002/contents_e.htm.
http://www.ukooa.co.uk/issues/fisheries/index.htm - offshore oil and gas development and its impact on fisheries (UK; UKOOA), overview and detailed information on oil and gas licensing areas and individual species spawning.
http://www.ukooa.co.uk/issues/decommissioning/index.htm - impact of decommissioning, including the overview, regulations and statistics.
http://www.ukooa.co.uk/issues/drillcuttings/index.htm - effect of drilling cuttings.
http://www.ukooa.co.uk/issues/2000report/index.htm - UKOOA Environmental Reports, including case studies.
http://www.databydesign.co.uk/energy/book.htm - Development of the Oil and Gas Resources of the United Kingdom 2001, including coverage of the offshore environmental regime.
http://www.geologyone.com/esa/energy/gasexpl/exproil.html - Oil Exploration and Production in the Marine Environment, Australian Institute of Petroleum.
http://www.geologyone.com/esa/energy/gasexpl/offshore.html - Offshore drilling and its effects on environment.
http://www.grida.no/prog/polar/aeps/pame-oil.htm - Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Guidelines, including Potential Impacts of Oil and Gas Activities on Environment and Society, Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment (PEIA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Supervision and others.
photo.htm - Oil Photo Gallery; photos of oil spill cleanup techniques, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
http://scilib.ucsd.edu/sio/guide/zgulfwar.html - GULF WAR IMPACT ON MARINE ENVIRONMENT AND SPECIES (Ecological Effects of Oil Contamination), The World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC)
http://www.web.net/nben/envnews/media/00/offoil.htm - "The Hidden Costs of Offshore Oil" by Oonagh 0'Connor, Living Oceans Society, April/May 2000
http://floridapirg.org/FL.asp?id2=6538&id3;=FL& - "Chevron: An Almost Unbelievable Pattern of Pollution
September 1999" Mark Ferrulo, Florida Public Interest Research Group
http://src-h.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/sakhalin/eng/71/contents.html - "Environmental Impacts of Sakhalin Offshore Oil Development" by Rick Steiner, 1999, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
http://www.slochamber.org/business/cooger.html - "The Costs of Oil and Gas Development Off the Coast of San Luis Obispo County", A Position Paper of the
Environmental Center of San Luis Obispo County and
San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce
May 1998
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